When undertaking a life changing journey, it is critical to prepare both the body and mind. Put your worries at ease by learning about our world class safety standards and ethics. Prepare your body by sticking to the guidelines for diet before ayahuasca. Prepare your mind by creating clear and powerful intentions.

The Call to Work with Sacred Plant Medicine

Often when we look back at our lives we can see a thread, a pattern, a series of events and circumstances that have led us to where we find ourselves in the present. This thread may have led you to us and to wanting to explore sacred plant medicine as a healing modality. If so, it is fundamental that you arise at your own independent conclusion as to whether this experience is right for you. It is also essential that before attending our plant medicine retreat that you are authentically and courageously committed to changing your life for the better. Sacred plant medicines are not quick fix solutions. When deciding for yourself if you are truly called to this work you may like to think deeply into the following questions:


Have I clarified my intention, objective or purpose for wanting to explore this work?

What would I be willing to change or let go of in my life to experience profound spiritual transformation and healing? And am I prepared to let it go?

Am I supported in my life by my friends and family (or at least one other person) to grow, change and realize my full potential?

Please take some time to contemplate these questions. Your clarity will ensure that whilst on retreat you remain focused and committed in the weeks and months after your plant medicine journey you remain true to your desire to change the life for the better.

Trust The Journey with Natural Plant Medicines

Participating in a plant medicine retreat requires trust; it requires faith and confidence in ourselves and in the ancient healing traditions of the peoples of the Amazon basin. The transformative workings of sacred plant medicines are profoundly complex, mysterious and particular to each individual. When contemplating if immersion into the world of plant medicine and ritual is right for you, it is essential that you consider whether you are willing to embody this process as a spiritual discipline. With any spiritual practice, it is necessary that you enter into it with faith, trust and a courageous willingness to surrender to letting go of parts of your being that are no longer serving you. A spiritual practice of any kind also invites you to exercise compassion, love, and acceptance towards yourself throughout the oftentimes uncomfortable process of transformation. Sacred plant medicine as a spiritual discipline is no different. Sacred plant medicines have the potential to profoundly change the quality of our human experience, long after we have left the fireside. When we can trust in ourselves and the valuable healing to be had, we can begin to embody deep, fundamental change and remarkable healing.
maestra juanita, shipibo curandera, in traditional shipibo clothing, smoking a pipe

Healing With Sacred Plant Medicines

The sacred plants of the Peruvian Amazon are medicines; they are not drugs. If you have experienced natural medicine before you would have observed that unlike Western medicines that mask the underlying causes of disease, natural medicines cleanse, repair and restore the body to a state of equilibrium over time. They require us to commit to a journey with them; to healing and restoring the body’s deepest dysfunction. Such deep healing requires patience, trust, and courage. The sacred plant medicines that we work with are no different. Upon first taking Ayahuasca, you may not experience the visions that you have read of in books or heard about from others. Ayahuasca’s effects within your body may be subtle and may take time to manifest as visions or an altered state of consciousness. This is normal. Healing cannot be forced. The body will need to cleanse and rid itself of anything that is obstructing its ability to heal before it can receive the wisdom necessary to effect lasting and remarkable change. Cleansing is often a painful and unpleasant experience. Cleansing can take the form of vomiting, diarrhea, crying, screaming, angry outbursts and laughing. The body, when invited to let go of all that is not serving it, will do so in the most efficient way possible. It’s important to trust in the cleansing process as it too has wisdom for us, that is if we’re willing to surrender to and receive it. Plant medicines are not magic potions that alone, effect profound transformation within those that take them. Fundamental change to our body, mind, and heart occur as we learn to be more compassionate and loving towards ourselves and others; when we set clear intentions about what kind of change we are hoping to effect and ultimately when we make an unwavering commitment to changing our lives for the better. Plant medicine alone will not transform you. Healing will occur in time, in proportion to your willingness to let go of all that is preventing you from realizing your true potential. For many, natural plant medicines act as a catalyst to bring about lasting change that is sustained through discipline and overhauling of one’s lifestyle habits. Before attending an ayahuasca retreat, it’s important to be clear with yourself about your willingness to do whatever it takes to effect the change you are seeking.

man preparing plant matter in a large pot for making traditional plant medicine

Ready to journey with us?

Book a free skype session and ask questions, or start your medical screening questionnaire. Prepare to be profoundly changed.


Critical Considerations When Choosing An Ayahuasca Retreat

No matter where you end up for your ayahuasca retreat, we want only the best for you. So here’s a little something to help you decide: Check these four necessary boxes before you make your final decision to ensure the best journey possible.

Absolutely free, no strings attached, and not published anywhere else.


tropical bird
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